更多 +CCO-083-100.000/瑞斯克晶振时钟振荡器/6G专用晶振,尺寸为20.83*11.43mm,频率为100MHZ,美国瑞斯克晶振,有源晶振,时钟振荡器,石英晶体振荡器,SPXO晶振,有源晶体振荡器,长方型振荡器,型号CCO-083/085(时钟版本)和CVXO-083/085 (VCXO版本)生成的频率从10 MHz到200MHz。这种低电流正弦波振荡器提供-150dBc/Hz的噪声地板,而只消耗8mA的典型。输出电平为0dBmMin到50欧姆,谐波低于-20dBc。由于使用了反谐波(高频基础晶体)技术,该系列没有次谐波。该振荡器提供了一个扩展的工作温度范围(-40°C到+85°C),也可在3.3V和5V。应用程序包括低电流的应用程序和源驱动pll和混合器。
- [NDK晶振技术支持]领先同行WI2WI低相位噪声温补晶振专用于M2M通信2023年10月07日 14:03
领先同行WI2WI低相位噪声温补晶振专用于M2M通信,TORONTO, Wi2Wi Corporation ("Wi2Wi" or the "Company"), a leading global developer and manufacturer of end to end Wireless Connectivity Solutions, high precision Frequency Control, Timing and Microwave Filter devices, is pleased to announce a rugged, robust and reliable family of Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators (TCXO), the TCH series, a further promising extension of its product portfolio.
TSX-V: YTY; Common Shares: 145,663,418
“We are very pleased to announce our new TCH series of rugged and best in class Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators (TCXO). The TC6 series further expands Wi2Wi's frequency control and timing devices portfolio to meet the most demanding technical requirements from the Avionics, Space and Military markets. The Company has received the first production orders for the TCH series from a marquee supplier to the Avionics and defense market.” said Michael Sonnenreich, Chairman of the Board.
“Wi2Wi continues to focus extensively on developing new products based upon client demand and assures a full line of products in each category we produce. The new TCH series of TCXO expands our current high stability, high shock and high vibration is ideal for high precision applications in avionics, space and military markets. The TCH series is a nice addition to our family of high reliability and high performing TCXO." said Zachariah Mathews, President and CEO of Wi2Wi.
Specifics on the new product series:
The TCH Series of Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO) ensures a precise frequency and very high stability under demanding applications in extreme conditions. The TCH series provides excellent phase noise, low jitter, and superior performance in high vibration and high temperature environments. This TCXO is available in rugged package of 5 pin through hole in both standard and custom frequencies from 1.000MHz to 50.000 MHz. The TCH is available in various supply voltages, stability and temperature ranges, stability as low as 0.5ppm with operating temperature from 55°C to +125°C. The TCH series is available various supply voltages; or 5.0v, 12.0v and 15.0v that provides low power supply current incorporating a low power CMOS output.
About IoT and M2M
Essentially, IoT and M2M describethe network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data. Driven by several factors including the growth in the availability of Broadband Internet, which reduces the cost of connecting, and the related increase in Wi-Fi capabilities as well as sensors built into myriad technologies, this has been described as the “perfect storm” for the IoT. Almost any device with an on and off switch that can be connected to the Internet (and/or to each other) – anything from cell phones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices, cars, as well as machine components in the engine of a jet airplane or the drill of an oil rig. According to analyst firm Gartner, by 2020 there will be over 26 billion connected devices. Others think this figure could be too conservative by a factor of four.
About Wi2Wi Corporation
Wi2Wi is a vertically-integrated technology company which designs, manufactures and markets high performance, low power wireless connectivity solutions, global navigation satellite system (GNSS) modules, and frequency control devices. The Company's products and services address numerous applications in the markets of Internet of Things (IoT), Machine to Machine (M2M), Avionics, Space, and Government Sponsored Projects. Wi2Wi's products and value-added services provide highly integrated, rugged, robust, and reliable multiprotocol wireless actuators with embedded software, along with customized timing and frequency control devices for customers, worldwide. The Company was founded in 2005 and is strategically headquartered in San Jose, California with satellite offices in Middleton, Wisconsin and Hyderabad, India. Wi2Wi's manufacturing operations, its laboratory for reliability and quality control, together with design and engineering for timing and frequency control devices are located in Middleton, WI. The branch office, located in Hyderabad, India, focuses on the development of wireless connectivity; both hardware and software. Wi2Wi's strategic objective is to service the unique needs of each customer by providing end to end wireless integration solutions and highly customizable timing and frequency control devices. Wi2Wi distinguishes itself from commodity grade products, with best in the market performance, highly reliable, low power wireless connectivity products with integrated software that supports broader temperature ranges and a longer product life cycle. Furthermore, Wi2Wi's end to end product solutions helps the customer substantially reduce their end product expense, certification cost, and overall R&D investment, in addition to substantially reducing the time to market. Wi2Wi has partnered with best in class global leaders in technology, manufacturing, and sales. The Company uses a wide network of manufacturer's representatives, worldwide, to promote its products and services, and has partnered with world class distributors for the fulfillment of orders along with direct sales.
“Wi2Wi继续致力于根据客户需求开发新产品,并确保我们生产的每个类别的产品种类齐全。TCXO的新TCH系列扩展了我们目前的高稳定性、高冲击和高振动,是航空电子、航天和军事市场中高精度应用的理想选择。TCH系列是我们高可靠性和高性能TCXO振荡器家族的又一成员。”Wi2Wi总裁兼首席执行官扎卡里亚·马修斯(Zachariah Mathews)说。
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- [欧美晶振新闻资讯]CTS时钟振荡器支持以太网应用2023年09月05日 17:02
CTS时钟振荡器支持以太网应用,CTS Corporation (NYSE: CTS), founded in 1896, is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of a diverse array of electronic components, sensors and actuators.
CTS Corporation (NYSE: CTS)成立于1896年,是设计和制造各种电子石英晶振元件、传感器和执行器的全球领导者.Primarily fulfilling the needs of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), CTS is proud of its over 100-year heritage of innovative products and engineering excellence. CTS products are manufactured utilizing state-of-the-art technology driven by a highly capable and dedicated staff.
In a current vertically integrated era, where applications such as complex data and video along with voice, are increasing in demand, advanced technologies of high-speed information transfer require continuous improvements of information sharing systems. The World Wide Web has become an essential tool in our daily life when it comes to accessing various types of information/business databases, video conferencing or manufacturing networks. Enabling efficient communication flow over existing infrastructure has become challenging in order to satisfy demanding user requirements. High-speed data/video and voice channels along with effective routing systems have been created as a result.
Data Networks数据网络
For the purpose of this discussion, we can associate the flow of information within network channels to water flow within very complex system of pipelines of different shapes and sizes. Long haul channels that transfer information from state-to-state or city-to-city are called “TRUNKS”. Trunks connect multiple central office locations while utilizing fiber optics and high bandwidth cabling meshes along with highspeed routers and core switching systems. This accommodates the transfer of heavy masses of data packets (also called high band width data transporters). Once data packets reach a given central office destination (close-by to the final destination of the end user), they are transferred through soft-switching equipment to narrower data transport channels ultimately leading to the end-users (subscribers).
In many cases the subscribers are located within enterprises (i.e. business organizations, hospitals, office buildings, etc.) that share internal communication lines and network channels to support several business activities. In such cases, an internal high-speed network is typically installed.
Ethernet Standard
Ethernet has evolved into the most widely implemented networking protocol today. Fast Ethernet increased the data speed from 10 Megabits per second (Mbits/s) to 100 Mbit/s to and from the users terminal. Gigabit Ethernet was the next iteration, increasing the speed to 1,000 Mbit/s. The initial standard for Gigabit Ethernet was issued by the IEEE in June 1998 as IEEE 802.3z.
以太网已发展成为当今实现最广泛的网络协议。而以太网需要进口晶体振荡器支持,快速以太网将往返用户的数据速度从每秒10兆比特提高到每秒100兆比特航空站千兆以太网是下一代,将速度提高到1000 Mbit/s。初始标准IEEE于1998年6月发布了用于千兆以太网的IEEE 802.3z。
Gigabit Ethernet access equipment is available in different speeds and bandwidth. Most common systems operate with 3.125Gbits/sec and 10Gbits/sec. 10 Gigabit Ethernet over twisted pair has just been completed, but as of June 2006, the only currently available adapters for copper wire requires special cabling and is limited to 15 meters for point-to-point communications. Major Gigabit Ethernet manufacturers include Cisco Systems, Broadcom (chipset manufacturer), Netgear, D-Link, Intel, Adtran and others.
千兆以太网接入设备有不同的速度和带宽。最常见系统以3.125Gbits/sec和10Gbits/sec运行。双绞线上的万兆以太网已完成,但截至2006年6月,目前唯一可用的铜线适配器需要特殊布线,点对点通信限制在15米以内。主要千兆以太网制造商包括Cisco Systems、Broadcom(芯片组制造商)、Netgear、D-Link、Intel、Adtran以及其他。CTS时钟振荡器支持以太网应用.- 阅读(568)
- NDK CRYSTAL是日本晶体行业较为出名的一个品牌,所生产的日本NDK晶振,石英晶体谐振器,贴片晶振,有源晶振均选用优异材料生产,并且符合欧盟ROHS标准,高稳定的质量获得广大用户认可.以下收介绍的是NDK石英晶体谐振器阵容.
音叉型晶体谐振器(KHZ 频率范围)
- 1低成本,超低电压时钟晶体振荡器出自于CTS?625M3I024M00000
- 2高性能晶振编码CB3-3I-20M0000是一款7050mm的时钟晶体振荡器
- 3SG-210SCBA爱普生XO晶振X1G004591A04100智能家居用户隐私被泄露各种安全风险
- 4高品质的时钟晶体振荡器ASV-24.000MHZ-E-T得到PC主板应用的喜爱
- 5CTS编码535L12M05GAS是一款高性能5032mm的TCXO温补晶振
- 6ECS-8FA3X-250-TR是一款低损耗超小型的SMD振荡器
- 7紧凑型的ECS有源振荡器广泛用于婴儿床和存储设备ECS-327ATQMV-BP-TR
- 8华为与小米造智能汽车360也要造智能汽车SG-210SCBA爱普生车规晶振X1G004591A02500
- 9X1G005601040100是一款2520mm的5G室外基站控制器SPXO晶振
- 10为何爱普生贴片石英晶体更适合6G模块应用?X1E000021059916