- [NDK晶振技术支持]ECS晶体振荡器设计应用笔记2023年10月17日 16:30
<trans oldtip="What is an Oscillator?" newtip="什么是振荡器?" style="background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">ECS晶体振荡器设计应用笔记trans>
<trans oldtip="What is an Oscillator?" newtip="什么是振荡器?" style="background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">什么是振荡器?trans>
<trans oldtip="An oscillator is an electronic circuit which generates a repetitive signal. This signal can be in many forms depending on the application. Some applications require a basic clock to maintain operational intervals for processes. Other applications require a clock with very clean waveform and tight stability to produce high quality communications and data transfers." newtip="振荡器是一种产生重复信号的电子电路。根据应用,该信号可以是多种形式。一些应用程序需要一个基本时钟来维持进程的操作间隔。其他应用要求时钟具有非常清晰的波形和严格的稳定性,以产生高质量的通信和数据传输。">振荡器是一种产生重复信号的电子电路。根据应用,该信号可以是多种形式。一些应用程序需要一个基本时钟来维持进程的操作间隔。其他应用要求时钟具有非常清晰的波形和严格的稳定性,以产生高质量的通信和数据传输。trans>
<trans oldtip="In analog applications such as RF radio transceivers that use a superheterodyne to receive and transmit signal chains, will typically find sinusoidal output waveforms. A sine wave is a continuous wave that represents a smooth periodic oscillation. In RF communication, the oscillators sine wave output provides an accurate, low noise frequency reference to the transceiver." newtip="在模拟应用中,例如使用超外差收发信号链的RF无线电收发器,通常会发现正弦输出波形。正弦波是一种连续波,代表平滑的周期性振荡。在RF通信中,振荡器正弦波输出为收发器提供精确的低噪声频率参考。">在模拟应用中,例如使用超外差收发信号链的RF无线电收发器,通常会发现正弦输出波形。正弦波是一种连续波,代表平滑的周期性振荡。在RF通信中,石英晶体振荡器正弦波输出为收发器提供精确的低噪声频率参考。trans>
<trans oldtip="In digital electronics we see square wave outputs. Square waves are a waveform that alternate from minimum to maximum amplitude at a steady frequency. An ideal square wave would have the minimum and maximum periods at equal duration, and this would have a 50/50% duty cycle. In practice, there will be some variation in duty cycle, so 45/55% or 60/40% may be more typical. A square wave output signal has many uses but is extensively used to time the execution of instructions in a circuit or microprocessor." newtip="在数字电子学中,我们看到方波输出。方波是一种以稳定频率从最小振幅到最大振幅交替变化的波形。理想方波的最小和最大周期相等,占空比为50/50%。实际上,占空比会有一些变化,因此45/55%或60/40%可能更典型。方波输出信号有许多用途,但广泛用于电路或微处理器中指令执行的定时。">在数字电子学中,我们看到方波输出。方波是一种以稳定频率从最小振幅到最大振幅交替变化的波形。理想方波的最小和最大周期相等,占空比为50/50%。实际上,占空比会有一些变化,因此45/55%或60/40%可能更典型。方波输出信号有许多用途,但广泛用于电路或微处理器中指令执行的定时。trans>
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- [欧美晶振新闻资讯]ECS伊西斯汽车级晶振产品介绍2023年10月17日 15:55
<trans newtip="自20世纪70年代以来,汽车技术在安全性、可靠性、性能和燃油效率方面取得了显著进步。今天,汽车需要60多个处理器和电子控制器来管理所有需要不同程度定时精度的系统功能。其中一些将需要简单的晶体,其他将需要低抖动和高稳定性的时钟。对AEC-Q200合格正时产品的需求空前高涨,而且看不到尽头。" oldtip="Automotive technology has made significant advances since the 1970s in terms of safety, reliability, performance, and fuel efficiency. Today, automobiles require more than 60 processors and electronic controllers to manage all the system functions that require varying degrees of timing accuracy. Some of these will need simple crystals and others will require low jitter and high stability clocks. The demand for AEC-Q200 qualified timing products is at an all-time high with no end in sight." style="box-sizing: border-box;">ECS伊西斯trans>汽车级晶振产品介绍
<trans newtip="自20世纪70年代以来,汽车技术在安全性、可靠性、性能和燃油效率方面取得了显著进步。今天,汽车需要60多个处理器和电子控制器来管理所有需要不同程度定时精度的系统功能。其中一些将需要简单的晶体,其他将需要低抖动和高稳定性的时钟。对AEC-Q200合格正时产品的需求空前高涨,而且看不到尽头。" oldtip="Automotive technology has made significant advances since the 1970s in terms of safety, reliability, performance, and fuel efficiency. Today, automobiles require more than 60 processors and electronic controllers to manage all the system functions that require varying degrees of timing accuracy. Some of these will need simple crystals and others will require low jitter and high stability clocks. The demand for AEC-Q200 qualified timing products is at an all-time high with no end in sight." style="box-sizing: border-box;">自20世纪70年代以来,汽车技术在安全性、可靠性、性能和燃油效率方面取得了显著进步。今天,汽车需要60多个处理器和电子控制器来管理所有需要不同程度定时精度的系统功能。其中一些将需要简单的石英晶体,贴片晶振,振荡器和其他将需要低抖动和高稳定性的时钟。对AEC-Q200合格正时产品的需求空前高涨,而且看不到尽头。trans>
<trans newtip="消费者每天都想要更智能的汽车。随着系统技术的进步,ECU(电子控制单元)的使用对于管理个人功能至关重要,如有线中央数据链路的以太网和ADAS(高级驾驶辅助系统)等安全功能。这些系统将继续使驾驶体验更加愉快,更加安全。" oldtip="Consumers are wanting smarter automobiles every day. As advances are made in systems technologies, the use of ECU (Electric Control Units) is vital to manage individual functions like Ethernet for a wired central data link and safety features like ADAS (Advanced Driving Assistance Systems). These systems will continue to make the driving experience more enjoyable and infinitely safer." style="box-sizing: border-box;">消费者每天都想要更智能的汽车。随着系统技术的进步,ECU(电子控制单元)的使用对于管理个人功能至关重要,如有线中央数据链路的以太网和ADAS(高级驾驶辅助系统)等安全功能。这些系统将继续使驾驶体验更加愉快,更加安全。trans>
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- [NDK晶振技术支持]格林雷TCXO的工作原理2023年10月14日 12:49
- Greenray格林雷是美国领先的精密石英晶体振荡器制造商,我们的石英晶体振荡器为通信,仪器仪表和国防应用提供稳定的参考源低相位噪声,紧密稳定性和低g灵敏度.我们的产品包括TCXOs,OCXOs,VCXOs和时钟振荡器,Greenray石英晶体振荡器满足通信拥有频率控制产品的行业,这些产品设计用于电信行业的Stratum III和IIIE,以及无线,卫星通讯,以及当今的新兴技术.
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- [台湾晶振行业资讯]Greenray新T58 TCXO提供高达50ppb的高频稳定性2023年10月14日 11:47
Greenray 新的T58 TCXO:提供高达50PPB的高频稳定性、高抗冲击能力和宽工作温度范围。
Q2,2023年–新型T58系列TCXO振荡器的工作频率范围为10至50MHz,在较宽的温度范围内频率稳定性可达50ppb,功耗低(< 8 mW),采用坚固的5.0x3.2mm封装,抗冲击能力可达50.000g。工作温度范围可扩展至-55°C至+125°C(指定部件号T56 TCXO)。T58 TCXO具有超过10年的小于4 ppm的长期老化、小于0.7 ppb/g的低加速度灵敏度、+3.3 VDC电源、CMOS或削波正弦输出和用于精确调谐或锁相应用的EFC。极高的频率稳定性和宽温度范围——非常适合各种应用,包括5G、Stratum3、移动无线电、移动仪器仪表、机载和无线通信、高冲击电子设备和微波接收机。
T58 TCXO温补晶振特征:
坚固耐用的5.0 x 3.2mm毫米封装贴片晶振
稳定性达到0.05ppm (-40至+85°C)
3.3 Vdc电源
CMOS或限幅正弦输出- 阅读(688)
- [NDK晶振解决方案]Greenray工业和国防用精密晶体振荡器2023年10月12日 17:50
Greenray Industries,Inc .是美国领先的精密石英晶体振荡器制造商。
我们的石英晶体振荡器为通信、仪器仪表和国防应用提供稳定的参考源低相位噪声, 紧密稳定性和低g灵敏度。我们的产品包括:石英晶振,贴片晶振,TCXOs、OCXOs、VCXOs和时钟振荡器。
Greenray石英晶体振荡器满足通信拥有频率控制产品的行业,这些产品设计用于电信行业的Stratum III和IIIE,以及无线,卫星通讯,以及当今的新兴技术。
为了防卫市场,我们提供高性能振荡器,智能弹药,导弹制导,移动接收机和雷达系统的参考源。- 阅读(656)
- [NDK行业资讯]全球领先MtronPTI麦特伦皮公司简介2023年10月10日 16:21
美国MtronPTI麦特伦皮提供广泛的精密频率和频谱控制解决方案,包括射频、微波和毫米波滤波器;空腔、晶体、陶瓷、集总元件(LC)和开关滤波器;高性能和高频OCXO、集成PLL OCXOs、TCXOs、VCXOs、低抖动和恶劣环境石英晶体振荡器和时钟;晶体谐振器、集成微波组件(IMA)和最先进的固态功率放大器产品。MtronPTI是一家上市公司(纽约证券交易所代码:MPTI)。
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- [NDK晶振技术支持]领先同行WI2WI低相位噪声温补晶振专用于M2M通信2023年10月07日 14:03
领先同行WI2WI低相位噪声温补晶振专用于M2M通信,TORONTO, Wi2Wi Corporation ("Wi2Wi" or the "Company"), a leading global developer and manufacturer of end to end Wireless Connectivity Solutions, high precision Frequency Control, Timing and Microwave Filter devices, is pleased to announce a rugged, robust and reliable family of Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators (TCXO), the TCH series, a further promising extension of its product portfolio.
TSX-V: YTY; Common Shares: 145,663,418
“We are very pleased to announce our new TCH series of rugged and best in class Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators (TCXO). The TC6 series further expands Wi2Wi's frequency control and timing devices portfolio to meet the most demanding technical requirements from the Avionics, Space and Military markets. The Company has received the first production orders for the TCH series from a marquee supplier to the Avionics and defense market.” said Michael Sonnenreich, Chairman of the Board.
“Wi2Wi continues to focus extensively on developing new products based upon client demand and assures a full line of products in each category we produce. The new TCH series of TCXO expands our current high stability, high shock and high vibration is ideal for high precision applications in avionics, space and military markets. The TCH series is a nice addition to our family of high reliability and high performing TCXO." said Zachariah Mathews, President and CEO of Wi2Wi.
Specifics on the new product series:
The TCH Series of Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCXO) ensures a precise frequency and very high stability under demanding applications in extreme conditions. The TCH series provides excellent phase noise, low jitter, and superior performance in high vibration and high temperature environments. This TCXO is available in rugged package of 5 pin through hole in both standard and custom frequencies from 1.000MHz to 50.000 MHz. The TCH is available in various supply voltages, stability and temperature ranges, stability as low as 0.5ppm with operating temperature from 55°C to +125°C. The TCH series is available various supply voltages; or 5.0v, 12.0v and 15.0v that provides low power supply current incorporating a low power CMOS output.
About IoT and M2M
Essentially, IoT and M2M describethe network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data. Driven by several factors including the growth in the availability of Broadband Internet, which reduces the cost of connecting, and the related increase in Wi-Fi capabilities as well as sensors built into myriad technologies, this has been described as the “perfect storm” for the IoT. Almost any device with an on and off switch that can be connected to the Internet (and/or to each other) – anything from cell phones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices, cars, as well as machine components in the engine of a jet airplane or the drill of an oil rig. According to analyst firm Gartner, by 2020 there will be over 26 billion connected devices. Others think this figure could be too conservative by a factor of four.
About Wi2Wi Corporation
Wi2Wi is a vertically-integrated technology company which designs, manufactures and markets high performance, low power wireless connectivity solutions, global navigation satellite system (GNSS) modules, and frequency control devices. The Company's products and services address numerous applications in the markets of Internet of Things (IoT), Machine to Machine (M2M), Avionics, Space, and Government Sponsored Projects. Wi2Wi's products and value-added services provide highly integrated, rugged, robust, and reliable multiprotocol wireless actuators with embedded software, along with customized timing and frequency control devices for customers, worldwide. The Company was founded in 2005 and is strategically headquartered in San Jose, California with satellite offices in Middleton, Wisconsin and Hyderabad, India. Wi2Wi's manufacturing operations, its laboratory for reliability and quality control, together with design and engineering for timing and frequency control devices are located in Middleton, WI. The branch office, located in Hyderabad, India, focuses on the development of wireless connectivity; both hardware and software. Wi2Wi's strategic objective is to service the unique needs of each customer by providing end to end wireless integration solutions and highly customizable timing and frequency control devices. Wi2Wi distinguishes itself from commodity grade products, with best in the market performance, highly reliable, low power wireless connectivity products with integrated software that supports broader temperature ranges and a longer product life cycle. Furthermore, Wi2Wi's end to end product solutions helps the customer substantially reduce their end product expense, certification cost, and overall R&D investment, in addition to substantially reducing the time to market. Wi2Wi has partnered with best in class global leaders in technology, manufacturing, and sales. The Company uses a wide network of manufacturer's representatives, worldwide, to promote its products and services, and has partnered with world class distributors for the fulfillment of orders along with direct sales.
“Wi2Wi继续致力于根据客户需求开发新产品,并确保我们生产的每个类别的产品种类齐全。TCXO的新TCH系列扩展了我们目前的高稳定性、高冲击和高振动,是航空电子、航天和军事市场中高精度应用的理想选择。TCH系列是我们高可靠性和高性能TCXO振荡器家族的又一成员。”Wi2Wi总裁兼首席执行官扎卡里亚·马修斯(Zachariah Mathews)说。
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- [台湾晶振行业资讯]领先全球HELE Quartz Crystal Oscillator编码详情2023年09月28日 11:11
领先全球HELE Quartz Crystal Oscillator编码详情,From Raw Quartz Crystal to Precision: Crystal Oscillators
In the realm of electronics, precision is paramount. The accuracy of a device's operation often hinges on the stability of its frequency generation.
Nature, like a quartz crystal, is essential in pursuing precision. Modern electronics use a quartz crystal found in nature as a crystal oscillator. This blog post will explain the process of how this happens.
Understanding Quartz and Its Unique Properties
Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals found on Earth. It's a semi-precious gemstone composed of silicon dioxide. Quartz crystals come in various types, including rock crystal, amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, smoky quartz, ametrine, jasper, carnelian, and agate. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, quartz has unique properties, making it a cornerstone of electronic devices.
Applying mechanical stress to quartz generates an electric charge, and people call this property piezoelectricity. Crystal oscillators, which many devices use, rely on the special properties of quartz crystals.
The Transformation Process
Turning a piece of raw crystal quartz into a functional crystal oscillator involves several steps. We perform each step meticulously to ensure that the resultant oscillator functions with the highest possible precision.
Cutting and Grinding
Start by cutting and grinding the raw quartz crystal into a thin wafer. Typically, it takes the shape of a rectangle or a tuning fork. The cutting of quartz affects the stability of its frequency due to its crystal lattice. Once cut, the wafer is further ground and lapped to achieve the desired thickness and parallelism.
Mounting and Encasing
After shaping the quartz wafer, we mount it between two electrodes, usually made of metal. These electrodes are essential for applying the voltage that will cause the quartz to vibrate. The quartz and electrode assembly is protected from temperature and humidity to maintain frequency stability.
Testing and Adjustment
The encased quartz crystal is now a basic crystal oscillator. However, engineers must test it for precision before using it in an electronic device. If the oscillator's frequency is off, we may need to adjust the thickness of the quartz wafer slightly. This testing and adjustment process continues until the oscillator operates at the desired frequency with an acceptable level of stability.
The Role of Quartz Oscillators in Electronics
Quartz crystal oscillators have become indispensable in the world of electronics. When electricity powers the quartz crystal, it vibrates at its special frequency, generating a signal with an exact frequency. This signal stabilizes clock signals in digital circuits, stabilizes frequencies in radios, and keeps time in wristwatches.
Quartz oscillators are everywhere, so you're probably always close to one, within a few feet, at any time. They exist in everything from cell phones and computers to car engines and satellite systems.
In Conclusion
From raw quartz crystal to electronic components, the journey combines nature and technology in a captivating way. It's a testament to human ingenuity that we've found ways to harness the unique properties of quartz for our purposes.
We provide high-quality quartz crystal oscillators for different purposes at Harmony Electronics. We are excited to be a part of this journey.
The accuracy of our products depends on the quality of the quartz crystal we use. It also depends on how carefully we make them. You can learn more about our commitment to quality and the role of quartz in our products here.
When you use your phone or drive your car, think about the small piece of quartz. This small piece of quartz helps these devices work accurately. From raw quartz crystal to an indispensable part of modern electronics, it's truly a transformation journey.
石英是地球上发现的最丰富的矿物之一。这是一种由二氧化硅组成的半宝石。石英晶体有多种类型,包括水晶、紫水晶、黄水晶、玫瑰水晶、烟石英、水晶、碧玉、红玉髓和玛瑙。除了其美学吸引力,石英还具有独特的属性,使其成为电子设备的基石。领先全球HELE Quartz Crystal Oscillator编码详情.
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- [NDK晶振常见问题]领先同行Skyworks Electronics2023年09月19日 12:44
领先同行Skyworks Electronics,我们正在推动无线网络革命,连接世界各地的人、地方和事物。随着对无处不在的“永远在线”连接的需求日益扩大,我们创新的高性能模拟半导体正在为全球行业领导者提供突破性的通信平台,改变我们的生活、工作、娱乐和学习方式。通过我们广泛的技术专业知识和业内最广泛的有源晶体振荡器产品组合之一,我们每时每刻连接着每一个人和每一件事。
Skyworks确保我们的所有时钟晶体振荡器产品都符合关于有害物质含量的严格国际法规和行业要求,包括化学品注册、评估、授权和限制(REACH)、有害物质限制(RoHS)和IEC 624741等。通过在日益复杂的环境中增加包装密度,我们高度集成的解决方案还降低了材料消耗,并有助于改善最终产品的环境影响。
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- [NDK晶振技术支持]高精密的福克斯TCXO振荡器2023年09月06日 13:30
在电信基础设施中,所需时序精度的各个级别被定义为Stratum级别1至4。最准确的,因此也是主要参考源是Stratum 1,一种原子钟(通常是铯Beam或Hydrogen Maser),在使用寿命内将其频率保持在<1x10-11的精度。下一个层次,Stratum 2将其频率保持在每天<1x10-10的精度,Stratum 3保持其频率精度<3.7x10-7每天。Stratum级别2采用精密OCXO(恒温Crystal Oscillator)。Stratum级别3采用精密TCXO(温度补偿晶体振荡器)。
那么,这些稳定性与时间有什么关系呢?一年约为365天x 24小时x 60分钟x 60秒=31536000秒。如果维持时钟时间的振荡器具有1x10-6的精度每年(1x10-6为1ppm[百万分之一]),则时钟每年将增加(或减少)31.536秒。这使得原子上面例子中的时钟在20年的使用寿命内精确到0.006秒以内,OCXO在0.00009以内秒,TCXO振荡器在0.032秒内。- 阅读(597)
- [欧美晶振新闻资讯]CTS时钟振荡器支持以太网应用2023年09月05日 17:02
CTS时钟振荡器支持以太网应用,CTS Corporation (NYSE: CTS), founded in 1896, is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of a diverse array of electronic components, sensors and actuators.
CTS Corporation (NYSE: CTS)成立于1896年,是设计和制造各种电子石英晶振元件、传感器和执行器的全球领导者.Primarily fulfilling the needs of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), CTS is proud of its over 100-year heritage of innovative products and engineering excellence. CTS products are manufactured utilizing state-of-the-art technology driven by a highly capable and dedicated staff.
In a current vertically integrated era, where applications such as complex data and video along with voice, are increasing in demand, advanced technologies of high-speed information transfer require continuous improvements of information sharing systems. The World Wide Web has become an essential tool in our daily life when it comes to accessing various types of information/business databases, video conferencing or manufacturing networks. Enabling efficient communication flow over existing infrastructure has become challenging in order to satisfy demanding user requirements. High-speed data/video and voice channels along with effective routing systems have been created as a result.
Data Networks数据网络
For the purpose of this discussion, we can associate the flow of information within network channels to water flow within very complex system of pipelines of different shapes and sizes. Long haul channels that transfer information from state-to-state or city-to-city are called “TRUNKS”. Trunks connect multiple central office locations while utilizing fiber optics and high bandwidth cabling meshes along with highspeed routers and core switching systems. This accommodates the transfer of heavy masses of data packets (also called high band width data transporters). Once data packets reach a given central office destination (close-by to the final destination of the end user), they are transferred through soft-switching equipment to narrower data transport channels ultimately leading to the end-users (subscribers).
In many cases the subscribers are located within enterprises (i.e. business organizations, hospitals, office buildings, etc.) that share internal communication lines and network channels to support several business activities. In such cases, an internal high-speed network is typically installed.
Ethernet Standard
Ethernet has evolved into the most widely implemented networking protocol today. Fast Ethernet increased the data speed from 10 Megabits per second (Mbits/s) to 100 Mbit/s to and from the users terminal. Gigabit Ethernet was the next iteration, increasing the speed to 1,000 Mbit/s. The initial standard for Gigabit Ethernet was issued by the IEEE in June 1998 as IEEE 802.3z.
以太网已发展成为当今实现最广泛的网络协议。而以太网需要进口晶体振荡器支持,快速以太网将往返用户的数据速度从每秒10兆比特提高到每秒100兆比特航空站千兆以太网是下一代,将速度提高到1000 Mbit/s。初始标准IEEE于1998年6月发布了用于千兆以太网的IEEE 802.3z。
Gigabit Ethernet access equipment is available in different speeds and bandwidth. Most common systems operate with 3.125Gbits/sec and 10Gbits/sec. 10 Gigabit Ethernet over twisted pair has just been completed, but as of June 2006, the only currently available adapters for copper wire requires special cabling and is limited to 15 meters for point-to-point communications. Major Gigabit Ethernet manufacturers include Cisco Systems, Broadcom (chipset manufacturer), Netgear, D-Link, Intel, Adtran and others.
千兆以太网接入设备有不同的速度和带宽。最常见系统以3.125Gbits/sec和10Gbits/sec运行。双绞线上的万兆以太网已完成,但截至2006年6月,目前唯一可用的铜线适配器需要特殊布线,点对点通信限制在15米以内。主要千兆以太网制造商包括Cisco Systems、Broadcom(芯片组制造商)、Netgear、D-Link、Intel、Adtran以及其他。CTS时钟振荡器支持以太网应用.- 阅读(568)
- [NDK晶振解决方案]GEYER OSCILLATOR CRYSTAL2023年09月04日 13:37
GEYER OSCILLATOR CRYSTAL,我们将在整个项目中为您提供专业的设计支持。我们的全球服务包括个人咨询和保证电路的验证交付您从我们这里购买的组件。我们的优势之一是在项目的整个生命周期中包括开发阶段已经提供的经验和技术。另一个优势是通过我们的支持15年以上的长期项目长期交货保证和生命周期管理.
例如,我们仍然从一开始就提供SMD晶振,如GEYER KX-C系列,从1992年的一个项目开始就提供。
For decades GEYER Electronic has been one of the leading manufacturers of frequency products, Quartz Crystals, Oscillators and Ceramic Resonators.
Founded in 1964, we serve our customers worldwide from our headquarters in Germany and other locations in Europe, Asia and the USA.
We attach great importance to close cooperation with our customers beginning at the development phase. This ensures that we deliver exactly what you need right from the start.
几十年来,格耶电子一直是频率产品的领先制造商之一,石英晶体, 振荡器和陶瓷谐振器.
We have been working with GEYER Electronic for many years. In addition to the impeccable quality of the crystals and oscillators, we particularly appreciate the customer and solution-oriented service as well as the possibility of having circuit validations carried out with the Design- and Test Center and receiving corresponding product recommendations. We always receive excellent support from both the Sales and Technical Departments. The long-term availability of the products ensures a stable supply, and the price-performance ratio is optimal. - GEYER Electronic is and remains a reliable partner for us, on whom we will continue to rely in the future.
我们已经与GEYER电子公司合作多年。除了晶体和进口晶体振荡器无可挑剔的质量之外,我们特别欣赏面向客户和解决方案的服务,以及与设计和测试中心一起进行电路验证并接收相应产品建议的可能性。我们总是得到销售和技术部门的大力支持。产品的长期供货保证了稳定的货源,性价比最优。- GEYER Electronic是并且仍然是我们的可靠合作伙伴,我们将在未来继续依赖它。
即使是在时钟生成这样的简单应用中?显然,原因不仅在于所需的频率稳定性。安全的启动条件以及任何所需环境条件的可靠性也将发挥作用。此外,晶体的使用需要一定的努力来使电路适应晶体并确保可靠的启动电路性能。因此,建议少量使用,以节省设计成本并使用更昂贵的振荡器,而不是水晶。通过使用振荡器,不需要像晶体那样的其他外部组件。这样也可以节省空间在PCB上。振荡器很容易获得,例如尺寸为7x5mm SMD或更小(图1)。手册微控制器通常包含如何应用外部振荡器的信息。
图。1:SMD有源晶体振荡器,尺寸为7x5mm。这种振荡器的频率范围为1MHz至160MHz,电源电压为1.8 V/2.5 V/3.0伏/3.3伏和5伏(GEYER Electronic)
通过晶体和分立元件构建自己的振荡电路对于更大的数量或如果IC不使用内部振荡器。可以选择Pierce或Colpitts振荡器。此外,还可以创建振荡器通过反相器电路的适当反馈(图2)。图。2:Pierce再生振荡电路反相器和基模晶体。RGK是一种用于调节直流操作的高欧姆电阻器电压RV是一个用于抑制泛音的串联电阻器频率。C1和C2用于调整电容负载到指定负载电容水晶。RV、晶体、C1和C2提供相移。加上(放大)的180°相移逆变器,振荡的必要条件可以是实现。GEYER OSCILLATOR CRYSTAL.
(C1+CS1 ) x (C2+CS2)------------------------- = CL (equation 1)
fT = 2 . f0 (equation 2)RV = 1 / (2 π fT C2) (equation 3)
示例:提供晶体谐振频率2MHz和C2=22pF。因此,fT=2 x 2MHz=4MHz,RV=1.8 kΩ。
- 阅读(599)
- [NDK晶振技术支持]Jauch Oscillator Crystal新产品介绍2023年09月01日 14:09
Jauch Oscillator Crystal新产品介绍,Jauch Quartz推出一系列新的温度补偿石英晶体振荡器及其电压控制变体。这些组件提供符合Stratum 3标准的短期和长期稳定性,因此非常适合在苛刻的环境中使用。所有版本的自由放电稳定性均为 ±4.6 百万分之一 (ppm) 超过 20 年,在高达 +105°C 的扩展温度范围内频率稳定性为 ±0.28ppm。
此外,该系列(VC)TCXO具有优异的24小时持有稳定性。±0.37ppm和0.1ppm(ppb)型优异的艾伦偏差(ADEV)。/ 在 1 秒测量间隔内最大 0.2ppb。
JTS75HC(V) 和JTS53HC(V) 版本甚至提供高达±50ppb的卓越频率稳定性,以满足预算有限的频率误差要求。这两个版本都带有HCMOS兼容的输出,而较小的JTS32CS(V)版本带有剪切正弦输出。
JTS75HC(V)和JTS53HC(V)均符合ITU-T G.8262Option1 & 2标准,Telcordia GR-1244CoreStratum3和 GR-253Core。
为了支持作为 PTP 备份的物理层频率,可在SyncE节点中使用符合 Stratum 3 的 (VC) TCXO,以提高同步网络的故障安全性。在电流敏感系统(如用于PTP网络的NIC)中,这些(VC)TCXO由于其低功率电流仅为几毫安,因此相对于类似规定的进攻稳定振荡器具有优势。
11月中旬,四年后,第一届electronica在慕尼黑现场举行。共有2,144家参展商展示了他们的产品和服务组合。其中包括来自Villingen-Schwenningen的Jauch Quartz GmbH。Jauch Oscillator Crystal新产品介绍.
- 阅读(637)
- [NDK晶振常见问题]美国拉隆时钟晶体振荡器简介2023年08月31日 17:10
使用LDO、扼流圈和电容器的完整电路配置。 提供出色的电源降噪性能,但占用过多空间,而且成本高昂,因为 使用的组件数量。仅推荐用于空间不重要的应用。
仅使用滤波电容的简单电路配置。 提供合理的电源噪声降低,主要基于进口晶体振荡器内部滤波,但使用 最佳空间,并且由于使用的部件数量有限,成本不高。仅推荐 适用于板载电源相当干净的应用。
测试包括向振荡器电源引脚注入100mV的交流波形振幅,并测量有源晶振输出端为输入信号产生的相位噪声尖峰10 kHz、100kHz、1MHz和10MHz的频率。然后比较杂散振幅提出的三种电路配置。
条件:Vcc=2.5V,LDO VIN=Vcc+1V
分别为100kHz、1MHz和10MHz,并在每种情况下测量相位噪声。测量值为利用下面的电路在室温下制造.建议使用以下成分值:C1=1µF,C2=0.1µF,C3=20.1µF,C4=1µF。旁路电容器必须尽可能靠近Vcc和GND引脚。电感器L(L=4.7µH)只是测试夹具,以防止注入的AC正弦波信号接地。LDO(Low Dropout稳压器)。ON半导体LDO P.N.CNP167AFCT330T2G已成功测试。LDO性能优于先前解决方案中使用的滤波器的性能。
- 阅读(570)
- [NDK晶振解决方案]Quarztechnik SMD Quartz Crystal2023年08月30日 17:04
Quarztechnik SMD Quartz Crystal,德国实力派供应商Quarztechnik公司,凭借着自身的努力实现自我的逆袭,并不断打磨自身的核心竞争力,随着自身的能力的增长,拥有快速交付的能力和高端的生产技术,以及一流的服务团队,使得能够快速满足用户的需求,同时也为用户提供完美的石英晶振解决方案,又以高于用户满意度为最大的目标,因此成为了Quarztechnik公司,又凭着自身的创新能力,打造差异化的产品,并与用户建立深度合作关系。
As manufacturers of oscillating quartz crystals and oscillators in Germany for over 50 years, we make a wide range of products- from channel crystals, oscillating quartz crystals and quartz oscillators to sensor elements based on piezoelectric monocrystals. Our products are used in all types of radio application, as precision crystals for manufacturing oscillators and components for pressure, temperature and mass-sensitive sensors.
Along with standard oscillators, we also manufacture TCXOs and VCTCXOs.
We are one of the leading quartz-crystal manufacturers in Germany. Our strength lies in our ability to turn our customers’ specific requirements into reality within very short timeframes. Our wide product range enables us to handle many aspects of quartz technology, giving the customer good value for money and stable prices.
作为在德国拥有50多年历史的振荡贴片石英晶体和振荡器制造商,我们生产各种产品-从通道晶体、振荡石英晶体和石英振荡器到基于压电单晶的传感器元件。我们的产品用于所有类型的无线电应用,如制造振荡器的精密晶体和压力、温度和质量敏感传感器的元件。Quarztechnik SMD Quartz Crystal.
- 阅读(583)
- [NDK晶振解决方案]Microchip有源晶振拥有快速交付的能力2023年08月29日 18:06
Microchip有源晶振拥有快速交付的能力,这是一家对于晶体行业有着无限热情的晶振公司Microchip,通过自身的努力,不断打磨优质的产品线,以此赢得广大用户的支持,同时,Microchip Technology Inc .是微控制器和模拟半导体的领先供应商,为全球数千种不同的客户应用提供低风险产品开发、更低的总系统成本和更快的上市时间。
Microchip Technology Incorporated is a leading provider of smart, connected and secure embedded control solutions. Its easy-to-use development tools and comprehensive product portfolio enable customers to create optimal designs, which reduce risk while lowering total system cost and time to market. The company's solutions serve more than 125,000 customers across the industrial, automotive, consumer, aerospace and defense, communications and computing markets. Headquartered in Chandler, Arizona, Microchip offers outstanding technical support along with dependable delivery and quality.
microchip Technology Incorporated是智能、互联和安全嵌入式控制解决方案的领先供应商。其易于使用的开发工具和全面的有源晶体振荡器产品组合使客户能够创建最佳设计,从而降低风险,同时降低总系统成本和上市时间。该公司的解决方案服务于超过125,000家客户,涵盖工业、汽车、消费、航空航天和国防、通信和计算市场。总部设在亚利桑那州钱德勒,微芯片提供卓越的技术支持以及可靠的交付和质量。
- 采购组织报告称,他们花费高达60%的时间管理停产设备以维持供应。
- R&D团队表示,他们花费30%的资源重新设计现有系统,以使它们留在市场上(以及收入进来!).
- 金融机构抱怨说,他们有高达10%的库存资本被收到停产通知的设备所消耗,因为他们在最后一次购买时购买了2-3年的供应量。
- 阅读(561)
- [NDK行业资讯]小尺寸温补晶振526L27M000025DTR为6G无线应用提供解决方案2023年06月27日 17:46
小尺寸温补晶振526L27M000025DTR为6G无线应用提供解决方案,CTS是一家比较有名气的元器件供应商,擅长制作各种性能优越,具有成本效益的有源晶振产品,随着自身的实力增长,如今技术已有飞跃般的成长,并利用自身的资源开发TCXO振荡器编码526L27M000025DTR,型号CTS526,尺寸为3.20mmx2.50mm,频率为27MHZ,频率稳定性50ppm,CTS 526型是一种低成本、小尺寸、高性能温度补偿晶体振荡器[TCXO]。 采用模拟IC技术,提供HCMOS输出、高阶温度补偿引擎; 加上基本石英晶体M526具有出色的稳定性和低抖动/相位噪声性能。
产品特征:陶瓷表面贴装封装,低相位抖动性能,基本晶体设计,频率范围9.5 - 60MHz *,+1.8V、+2.5V、+2.8V、+3.0V、+3.3V运行,输出使能标准,磁带和卷轴包装,EIA-481,产品应用范围:全球(卫星)定位系统 , IoT和IIoT ,无线连接 ,同步以太网 ,基站/毫微微小区,移动通信,WiMax/Wi-Fi/WLAN,锁相环路,测试设备等领域.
当温度稳定性要求时,使用TCXO[温度补偿晶体振荡器]装置 超出了标准晶体时钟振荡器[XO]或压控晶体振荡器[VCXO]的范围。A TCXO提供了一种抵消有源晶体振荡器中温度变化引起的频率变化的方法,这种频率变化最终会改变输出频率。
tcxo为设计工程师提供了一种器件,可以弥补标准XO或VCXO之间的稳定性差距 和OCXO[恒温晶体振荡器],有时相当于低等级OCXO的性能 设计。与OCXOs相比,如今的TCXO设计功耗更低,封装尺寸更小。这 技术总结将帮助用户理解TCXO的基本功能和属性,并讨论 常见的应用和市场。
- 阅读(537)
- [NDK行业资讯]CMOS输出有源振荡器SEO32C3C4B1-40.000M适用于宇宙空间应用2023年06月13日 15:35
CMOS输出有源振荡器SEO32C3C4B1-40.000M适用于宇宙空间应用,Suntsu’s SEO324 series is the latest addition to our product line. This oscillator uses GT-cut technology allowing it to achieve high stability over extended temperature ranges, up to ~200°C. Not only is the GT-cut oscillator able to maintain high stability, but it also performs better under high shock and vibration and is more energy efficient.
The SEO324 series oscillators can be used in applications with high temperatures and extreme environments such as Avionics, Down Hole Drilling Measurements, Engine Sensors, Telemetry, 5G, Aerospace, and Industrial Process Control.
The package size is a 3.2×2.5mm SMD miniature type, and the frequency range is from 1MHz to 150MHz. As shown in the figure below, the frequency stability is +/-50ppm over temperature ranges of -40°C up to ~200°C.
- 阅读(615)
- [NDK行业资讯]GNSS模块常用NDK温补晶振NT3225SA-52.000000MHZ-S12023年06月09日 16:34
- GNSS模块常用NDK温补晶振NT3225SA-52.000000MHZ-S1,NDK offers a wide variety of cutting-edge products and supports customized designs to meet individual needs, providing crystal oscillators optimized for customer applications.
NDK's crystal oscillators are designed by utilizing synthetic quartz crystal growing technology and photolithography technology, and have achieved excellent performance in the areas of high precision, low jitter, and low noise characteristics for 5G base stations and smartphones, and high quality and high reliability requirements in automotive devices.
We have also developed a crystal oscillator for automotive applications.
Also, there is a large lineup of automotive crystal oscillators that comply with the standards of the Automotive Electronics Council (AEC).
NDK will continue to lead the industry and support the development of electronics as a top manufacturer of crystal devices with high reliable, high quality, and high precision products.
NDK的晶体振荡器是利用合成石英晶体生长技术和光刻技术设计的,在5G基站和智能手机的高精度、低抖动和低噪声特性以及汽车设备的高质量和高可靠性要求方面取得了优异的性能。我们还开发了用于汽车应用的晶体振荡器。 - 阅读(654)
- [NDK行业资讯]编码CO4305-40.000-EXT-T-TR是一款高质量的6G模块专用时钟晶体振荡器2023年05月24日 14:47
- 编码CO4305-40.000-EXT-T-TR是一款高质量的6G模块专用时钟晶体振荡器,是热爱的使然使得拉隆公司一次又一次突破自我局限,以及敢于不断突破重重困难,凭着自身对于晶体行业的热爱,以及对于产品极致的要求,造就了如今优秀的拉隆公司,在那些看不见光的日子,Raltro潜心专研高性能低损耗的进口晶体振荡器产品线,为了能够更好满足不同应用市场的需求,优化了产品的性能以及稳定性能,使得所制作出来产品性能更为出色。
- 阅读(584)
- NDK CRYSTAL是日本晶体行业较为出名的一个品牌,所生产的日本NDK晶振,石英晶体谐振器,贴片晶振,有源晶振均选用优异材料生产,并且符合欧盟ROHS标准,高稳定的质量获得广大用户认可.以下收介绍的是NDK石英晶体谐振器阵容.
音叉型晶体谐振器(KHZ 频率范围)
- 1低成本,超低电压时钟晶体振荡器出自于CTS?625M3I024M00000
- 2高性能晶振编码CB3-3I-20M0000是一款7050mm的时钟晶体振荡器
- 3SG-210SCBA爱普生XO晶振X1G004591A04100智能家居用户隐私被泄露各种安全风险
- 4高品质的时钟晶体振荡器ASV-24.000MHZ-E-T得到PC主板应用的喜爱
- 5CTS编码535L12M05GAS是一款高性能5032mm的TCXO温补晶振
- 6ECS-8FA3X-250-TR是一款低损耗超小型的SMD振荡器
- 7紧凑型的ECS有源振荡器广泛用于婴儿床和存储设备ECS-327ATQMV-BP-TR
- 8华为与小米造智能汽车360也要造智能汽车SG-210SCBA爱普生车规晶振X1G004591A02500
- 9X1G005601040100是一款2520mm的5G室外基站控制器SPXO晶振
- 10为何爱普生贴片石英晶体更适合6G模块应用?X1E000021059916